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NSYNC PopOdyssey Tour 2001,
Hershey, PA, May 26th
a fan's pictures (page 1)

Hey everyone! My first batch of photos are back, the ones that are on this page are from the opening of the show and POP. enJOEY!!! teeheehee

Mr. Fatone says, `Alright now Class... we have a lot to discuss! Take your seats!' 
Instructor Joey giving us the definition of
`Today we'll discuss the beginning, our beginning of Pop!'     `All the way through to the new Pop... Dirty Pop!'
(man... this man just looks yummy no matter what!!!)

`Up against the wall... you're in twouble, Mister!'
UH OH!!!!!!!!! Someone's in twouble!
JOEY!!! What did you do now???

It's really here! My first NSYNC show is about to begin! mesoexcited!!!
The Final Countdown in seconds - mesoexcited!

Helllloooooooooo... anybody home???
Look Ma! Nobody's Home!!!

Could it be you? I've been searching so hard to find?
Could it be??? Could it be one of the
men I've been waiting to see?

Yeah, Right, and what planet are YOU from???

SHAZAAM Superman - LOOKIE Inside the pod!!!

It's NSYNC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody SCREAM!
Hey, there's peeps in there!
It's POD People! Run for your lives!

`We have landed on a planet of screaming chicks!'
"Man, look at all those peeps out there", Chris says.

`I don't care what none y'all are doin, but I'm stayin!' Joey says from behind the visible JC and Chris.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to go home now!" Chris ponders.

"I can't hear anything with all this screaming! Who invited all these people anyway???" JC says to noone in particular
`Sound off! - JC... Joey... Justin... Lance... Chris'
"Okay, now that we know who we are, who the heck are you?" Chris asks getting Lance to laugh.

`Why you wanna justify the type of thing we do???' DIRTY POP
And the show has begun!

Okay, gang, the captions were made up strickly for amusement purposes of my own. If you don't like them, I apologize... I'm just having fun because these guys gave me nearly two hours of bliss on May 26th and I want to remember it for the rest of my life. Comments can be emailed to webmistress@iwuvjoey.com. Thank you.
