Thank Yous!

Okay everyone, I have this page for my own reasons... mainly to thank some people.

Endless thanks go out to my friends Peachy, Angie, Dragon, Numbee, and SB, whom are always wanting MORE from my stories. ROFL... I don't know why, but they do.

To Peachy for her times of boredom when she loves to play! wink wink I can't thank you enough

To Angie and our nights of "fighting" over which story I should write in and about whom.

To Dragon and our many, many nights of discussion over KN and Buff Daddy!

And yes, I'm working on the supplements... be patient... I'm only one person with two hands, not superwoman! LOL

To all my friends, family, and those who read my stories and give me feedback, Thanks. I live for feedback! Can't get enough of it. Send me More!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
